Children's Books Wiki

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Add your description here. Please make this description neutral, without sentences like "This is a really good book". The description is supposed to give people a taste of what the book's about, without putting your views. If you do have comments like "This is a really good book" please put them in the Reader's Reviews section.

Reader's Reviews[]


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Parental Guidance[]

  • Reading Age: add your suggested reading age
  • Reading Aloud Age: add your suggested read-aloud age

Add comments about the book's suitability, possible concerns and content. If the book is totally clean put "Clean".

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You see the bar below this edit page? It has a little button saying "Add category". Click it. Now type a name of a category that you think the book can go in. So if the book is Historical Fiction, put "Historical Fiction" (without the quotes), then press enter. Done. One category added. There are more so continue to type as many as you want with the same technique! A full list of categories can be found at Book Categories (after saving this page!).

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