Children's Books Wiki

All books on Children's Books Wiki can be rated by each user, anonyomous or registered. You can rate each book on a scale of 1-5 stars:

  • 1 (terrible)
  • 2 (bad)
  • 3 (OK)
  • 4 (Good)
  • 5 (Excellent)

To rate any book, go to the article, then scroll down to the bottom of the page (DO NOT click on "Edit this Page"). You will see a screen like the one below. Scroll over with the mouse the stars and click on 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 stars. Your rating will automatically be put in. The gold stars that then appear will be the average of all users' ratings.

You can rate each book only once! You can, however, take back your rating and change it, but only one rating from each user will be counted!

On the screen shot below the "Rate this Article" and stars can be seen inside the red oval.

Example rating
